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The relationship between physical activity and quality of life

A person's quality of life can be affected by several factors. One of the main factors and one of the most talked about is the practice of physical activities. But is it really that important?

In this text, it will be explained what quality of life is, in fact, and what its relationship with the practice of physical exercise is.

So, what is quality of life?

Answered by the World Health Organization, quality of life is “the individual's perception of their insertion in life, in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns”.

In other words, a good quality of life involves an individual's physical, mental, psychological and emotional well-being. Furthermore, a person's quality of life can also be influenced by other associations such as social, health, education, work and housing

And what is the relationship between physical activity and quality of life?

It is simple: healthy habits, such as proper nutrition and exercise, are essential to maintain a good functioning of the body. Quality of life is synonymous with well-being, whether physical or mental, the practice of physical exercise becomes essential for the client. It is possible to prevent a number of illnesses and ensure that our bodies are functioning well with the practice of regular physical activities. Not only that, but exercising can even improve mental health.

Benefits of physical activity

Several health benefits are brought with the regular practice of physical activities, both physical and mental. Below, are some of the main benefits of exercising so that you can better understand its relationship with quality of life. Check it out:

It decreases stress and promotes well-being

Our brain releases several neurotransmitters, such as endorphin and serotonin, during and after the practice of physical activities These neurotransmitters are responsible for several functions in our body, including mood regulation and increased sense of well-being.

In addition, these neurotransmitters have other effects on our body, such as muscle relaxation and improved sleep quality. Thus, practicing physical exercise regularly helps to reduce stress and increase overall well-being.

It improves the quality of our sleep

As stated earlier, the brain releases serotonin while exercising. This neurotransmitter is responsible for regulating sleep, among other functions. Thus, when practicing physical activities regularly, the released serotonin improves the quality of sleep. In addition, energy expenditure during exercise stimulates recovery during sleep, making sleep restorative.

It increases disposition

Engaging in physical activity causes the frequency and flow of blood to increase, which results in a higher energy level for those who are practicing. When added to the good mood provided by the exercises, this results in a greater willingness to do daily activities.

In addition, productivity and concentration is greater in people who practice physical exercise.

It helps control weight

By far, weight loss is one of the most sought-after benefits by exercisers. Physical activity helps burn calories that would otherwise be stored as fat in our body but it is also necessary to look beyond the aesthetic issue.

Sedentary lifestyle and obesity are related to a series of diseases. Among them are hypertension, diabetes and high cholesterol, in addition to heart disease. Through physical activity, it is possible to control weight and prevent these diseases. However, it is important to remember that for weight reduction and control, it is also necessary to have a healthy and diversified diet.

Reduces the risk of chronic diseases

Not exercising regularly is one of the main causes of chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension is not exercising regularly. Physical activity improves blood pressure control, increases lung resistance, improves blood oxygen absorption and helps control diabetes, among many other benefits for the body. Thus, it is essential not only to prevent chronic diseases, but to help treat them.

Strengthens muscles and bones

The practice of exercises causes the strengthening of muscles and greater support of the bones to occur. This is critical in treating pain and preventing muscle loss that can come with aging. In addition, physical activity increases cartilage lubrication, which reduces joint pain and improves joint performance. Exercising also helps to increase bone density, preventing osteoporosis. And, as mentioned earlier, neurotransmitters released during and after exercise help to relax muscle tension.

It makes skin more beautiful and healthier

Practicing physical activities brings a great number of benefits to the skin. It stimulates blood circulation, increasing dermis oxygenation. This makes it more uniform in texture and color, in addition to making it softer. In addition, physical exercise increases the body's production of antioxidants. Thus, there is a greater fight against free radicals, which causes premature aging of the skin and can favor diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's.

Also, the decrease in the level of cortisol promoted by exercise helps to control acne and oiliness, in addition to improving skin elasticity.

With so many benefits, it can definitely be said that the practice of physical activities is directly linked to quality of life, so get moving and have a great life! ;)


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