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The future of education

When thinking about current teaching practices, it has been questioned by some, as it is believed that they no longer understand the needs of students of the new generations. Therefore, it is important that educators and educational institutions turn their eyes to the future of education, which tends to be more personalized, in order to understand changes in the classroom.

An institution called WISE carried out a research, which according to them, by 2030 most teaching will be personalized, meaning it will follow the interests and pace of each student. Experts who participated in the study, say that innovation, social, pedagogical and technological, will be the keyword for educational transformation, this also includes structural changes in the role of government, schools and teachers, and students.

In addition, what is pointed out is that in the future of education, schools will act in a hybrid format, in other words, with online platforms and physical spaces available for social interactions between students to take place. In this model, the teacher is no longer a centerpiece in the learning process. The teacher will go on to become a mediator of knowledge acquisition.

Let´s take a look at which are the main trends in the world of education and how they will possibly affect the job market for educators.

Collaborative education

Students can act more collaboratively during classes when they have a better sense of what their talents and abilities are. This trend proposes that knowledge is built in partnership with the teacher and colleagues.

Classes in collaboration with other disciplines is also included in this method. So, this way, carrying out interdisciplinary projects is an excellent alternative to apply collaborative learning.

As a result, it is possible to have the students and faculty from different disciplines working together, so that way, they can achieve learning that is global and interactive. In following this trend, educators need to be prepared to build plans that go along with other subjects and encourage the exchange of information.

Humanized education

If there is a teaching approach that generates many benefits for teachers, schools, students and society as a whole, it is the humanized education. As you have seen, one of the education trends of the future is personalization according to the characteristics of the students. And this is precisely what this methodology does, because it considers the individuality of each student in the classroom, also recognizing that each person is complete, with their dreams, fears and frustration and, therefore, has to be understood in their entirety.

Even though it is important and occupies more and more space in education, the formation of the student as a citizen able to live fully in society can be affected by the massive use of technology. Therefore, the school needs not only to be a place that directly helps in the intellectual, but also physical and emotional construction of the student according to their training needs.

The school, in partnership with parents, must lay the foundations that will help young people to build a promising and healthy future. That being said, the individualization of education and understanding of the individual in particular helps to grow and enhance their personal and unique abilities.

Being able to provide a humanized education can benefit students in different ways. Some that can be mentioned are: making it possible for them to feel welcomed, help develop their emotional intelligence and empathy, as well as enjoy a school environment with less conflict.

Practicing humanized education requires from an educational institution that its teachers are well prepared, that besides technical skills, they also have behavioral skills, the so-called soft skills, which help in the management of emotions in the classroom.

Educators, in this scenario, need to be in a self-development and continuous improvement, searching for innovative ways to introduce social responsibility and empathy in the school environment.

Introducing critical thinking in Education

The student currently learns robotically, in other words, this is the current pattern of education, where they are being conditioned to only give the right answers. This has been falling into disuse, as it no longer meets the demands of the new generations. Thus, education that introduces critical thinking, is one of the trends that may possibly gain more and more space which makes the student question what is worked on in the classroom, in order to have new discoveries and learn in a broad way.

It is known that this format has already been practiced in some educational institutions so we can expect it to be even more present in the planning of schools in the coming years.

Educators must act as facilitators, for this teaching model, so that students learn to express themselves and have their own opinion on the most different topics covered in the classroom. It is essential to create a receptive environment, in which the student is interested and has the freedom to share opinions and participate in the construction of their knowledge.

New structures at school

Today we have the standard of education that was shaped in the industrial era, when, at that time, there was a need to mold homogeneous individuals, who were able to follow orders and shared the same culture. It is possible to notice this characteristic even in the physical structure of schools, which often resembles a prison, where students are forced to follow orders from their teachers during a period of the day.

Breaking this pattern is important and many educational institutions are already investing in structures that provide more warmth and freedom for students. For example, in countries which are references, such as Finland have outdoor classes. In addition, there are schools in the shape of houses, with common places and that generate more independence.

Future education for Generation Z and its importance

Who are the Generation Z? It is the name given to people who were born from 1992 to the beginning of 2010, after the emergence of the internet. They are already familiar with the possibilities of the technological age since they were little.

Understanding how the tools work, using them daily in their activities is something this generation knows. One of the consequences of this is feeling bored when connected. In addition, Generation Z is also characterized by extreme anxiety, social responsibility, detachment from geographical boundaries, fewer social relationships and the need to express their opinion.

One of the difficulties students of this generation tend to have is concentrating in a traditional classroom. Institutions accepting technological tools and including them in their classes is very important. If used well, they can stimulate student interest and facilitate learning.

Nevertheless, it is important to emphasize that educators must systematically evaluate the use of technology, as it must not be an end itself, but means to expand the content discussed.

Therefore, for Generation Z, the education of the future is of great importance. This is because it personalizes learning, in addition to introducing technology into teaching. It takes into account the characteristics of each student, which, among other things, helps to form more aware, empathetic citizens who use their personal skills to their advantage.


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