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Some things are better left unsaid

Atualizado: 23 de fev. de 2023

We all know that life is hard, but as adults that talk to children, some things are just better left unsaid. What is the point of saying to a child that “we are all going to die”? Life will take care of teaching those hard truths to everyone.

There is no point in focusing on the negative, as you simply will be pushing away all the goodness and wonderful things in your life. There are even studies to prove that being thankful is the best thing you could do. Focusing on what you have instead of what’s lacking; So, let’s see 10 hard truths in life that are better left unsaid, or not:

1. You are going to meet a lot of fake friends in your adulthood more than when you are young. Just learn that a really good friend will tell you the truth even if it hurts. A real friend is secretly cheering for you and your success, and celebrates when you overcome your struggles and obstacles and accomplish your dreams.

2. You are on your own, nobody is there to struggle with you, and your happiness cannot depend on other people. You are responsible for your own happiness, your own success and think about it, that is pure freedom, you have to wait on no one! Just go out there an do your thing, strive, flourish, be yourself and learn what makes you feel alive by experiencing it all. Then you'll have your own recipe for happiness

3. Everybody replies with “I am doing fine”, after being asked “How they are doing”, but in reality, “Nobody is really doing fine” because everyone have their struggles. Learn who are those you can actually say, today is not a good day, but “this too shall pass”, and remember it’s ok not to be ok.

4. Unfortunately, intelligence doesn’t mean you will be rich! There is actually science behind this, saying that dumb people are often much more confident and successful and intelligent people tend to self-doubt a lot, just because they are aware that the more they learn, the less they know. It’s a very humbling feeling to know that we have so little knowledge compared to what is available. Just learn the difference you can make in your area of expertise and strive in it, until you reach your full potential, and you’ll be as successful as you can be!

5. We are all going to die, I believe this has been said many times, so focus on living in the present. There is no point in looking to the past – you cannot change it; and absolutely no benefit in worrying about the future – you cannot control it. Living here and now is the best thing you can do!

6. One of the risks that is difficult to predict is marriage. It is always difficult to predict the end of the tunnel even with good lighting. Just keep in mind that marriage is a constant effort, it’s a never-ending process of making things work with the person you chose to do it with for the rest of your life. Things will not be perfect, nothing in life is, but they will be worth it if you decide to stick around and see what you can accomplish with your spouse.

7. Do not compare yourself with anybody because we are born with different opportunities, abilities and dreams. Remember nobody chooses their parents or the place or conditions we are born in! Be kind to everyone, and if possible, help those you are able to help. This makes life worth living.

8. If you cannot appreciate what you have now, you will never appreciate what you aspire to get later. Thankfulness is the key to happiness; we have some articles on our Blog about it. Just know that if you can appreciate what you already have in life, you are setting ground to what you still wish to achieve.

9. Real education is more than just acquiring a college degree. While college prepares you for the job mindset, you have to prepare yourself for the challenges in this world by educating and investing in yourself. Taking the time to invest in hobbies, your health and relationships will make you a better professional. Work-life balance is possible but many of us focus on work a lot more than our health or even relationships, and it should be the other way around. Remember you will feel fulfilled if you surround yourself with people, not things.

10. Arrogant and prideful people usually have more problems in life because they are never willing to learn. The humbler one is, the more we are able to learn from others. Nowadays information is available at the tip of our fingers and we think we need no one and we know it all. However, no one becomes intelligent without the help of teachers, no matter the area you want to learn. Each individual has its own passion and develops their knowledge in one specific area, and if we just share it, we will learn how life is a constant giving-receiving cycle.

We hope you have enjoyed this article and if you have any thoughts/ ideas, please leave a comment! Brisk Languages is a school that focus on teaching life through the lens of each language out there, and we hope to make a difference in the lives of each of our students! Thank you for believing in us.


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