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Shyness and how to overcome it in your personal and professional life!

For many people, shyness is a common trait, and it is not necessarily linked to bad behavior. It is a personality trait, and shy people can achieve great results and achieve professional success like any other, all that is needed is to overcome the negative aspects and barriers that this characteristic brings to their lives.

With the intention of helping, those who believe that they will not be able to develop, both in their personal and professional lives, because of shyness, some tips will be shared to achieve success, in the personal and professional life.

So, how can we overcome shyness?

As much as it is a trait of personality, which manifests in some people more intensely, it is certain that shyness, in certain moments of life, ends up hindering the development and evolution of some individuals, because they feel highly withdrawn and cannot dare to go further, for the fear of taking risks and getting hurt in the future.

If you identify with this situation, I invite you to know how, effectively and practically, you can overcome shyness to achieve extraordinary results in your life.

Approach people, little by little

Shy people are often very introspective and reserved, and this can end up hampering socializing with friends and colleagues in the workplace. So, try to, little by little, talk to people around you, work together and interact during the break.

These attitudes, as difficult as they are at the beginning, can help you to let go and, consequently, lose shyness, to interact with others and, therefore, gain more confidence, in order to reach personal and professional goals.

Face your fears

People who are very shy are often afraid to impose themselves, whether it´s speaking in public, expressing opinions in meetings or work presentations, and even when participating in a circle with friends.

Fear is more normal than you think. What you can't do is let it dominate you and stop you from doing things or being who you are. So, face your fears and believe that you are greater than them.

Work on self-knowledge

Another must is to work on self-knowledge, which is nothing more than to start observing your best skills, the best characteristics of your personality, what your talents are, at what points in your life, personal and professional, you have better resourcefulness, and so on.

By doing this constant exercise, that is, recognizing your best skills and abilities, in addition to working on your self-knowledge, you will also automatically be strengthening your self-confidence, and, with this, you will feel increasingly prepared to overcome shyness and strive to achieve dreams and goals.

Your life, your choices

In many cases, shyness manifests itself and prevents those who are shy from daring to go further, for fear of the opinion of those around him. Even people who aren't that shy end up caring more than they should about what others have to say.

In this sense, do not listen so much to the opinions and even the suggestions of people around you, even those you consider a lot, such as friends and family.

As much as these people love you, as much as they want to protect you, only you understand your wishes, desires, your feelings, what makes you happy or sad, in short, only you carry your anxieties and, as much as the people around you want you well, they aren´t the ones who will have to deal with the results of the choices you make in your life, as it is up only to you.

Therefore, it is important that you do not let yourself be hindered by what the other thinks or says about you, your life and your choices, as only you will be the one who will reap the rewards, whether they are good or bad.

Use the F.O.R.D method to your advantage

Another great fear of individuals that have shyness as the main feature of their personality, is interacting and talking to other people. If you come across a situation like this, whether at a professional event or at a family party, what you can use to your advantage is the F.O.R.D method, which basically consists of:

- Family

- Occupation

- Recreation

- Desire

Basically, what you're going to do, when you meet a person you haven't seen for a long time, is ask questions about their family, occupation, professional life, career, leisure time, if you still practice the activity you practiced when you had contact, and finally you can choose to also talk about wishes for the future and so on.

This is an extraordinary technique because, in addition to yielding the most varied questions, it also yields a lot of answers, which makes the person end up talking more than you and also makes you understand that communicating with the other is nothing to be afraid of, and you can get more and more comfortable doing that.

Take little steps. Success is always beyond the comfort zone. Allow yourself to overcome this barrier that keeps you from going forward.


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