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Motivation in the workplace

The importance and how to apply it!

Our jobs are very important to us and if we take into account that many people work 8 hours a day during the week, this corresponds to 1/3 of the day. Therefore, it is essential that this time is worthwhile, that is, that it is productive and that there is motivation at work.

However, this does not always happen. It is common to see, in some companies, demotivated employees because they do not have a clear idea of the objectives that lead them to the work environment every day and how they can grow professionally within it.

Of course, this raises concern among managers, because how will it be possible to develop and retain talent if they don't feel stimulated in the corporate environment?

Therefore, working on motivation is necessary. So here, it will be pointed out why this is so important and how you can apply these actions in the company you work for. Let's take a look.

Why encourage motivation in the workplace?

One of the most important factors for the recognition and growth of a company's employees is motivation, in addition to increasing the synergy between other employees and productivity in the execution of tasks.

Although actions of this type are still not applied by some companies, they are essential for different managers to be able to manage and retain talent in the corporate environment. After all, retention is as important as recruiting, as it makes the best people stay in the company and grow with it.

So, what is motivation at work?

The meaning of motivation is “reason for action”, that is, every time we need to do something, whether by desire or necessity, we feel motivated.

For example: if a sales team is promised a celebration if they reach the goal, that is the motivation they will have to do it in the same way that salespeople from the commercial team can feel motivated to sell more to achieve a promotion.

Therefore, it is possible to say that motivation is natural in all of us, it just needs to be activated and constantly worked on in the corporate environment so that people do not get into their comfort zone.

And in increasingly competitive markets, it is essential that employees are proactive and do their best work. However, this will not be done just because managers ask for it, it must be a natural attitude of all members of the organization.

Of course, this is very challenging, as sales teams must continue to seek new solutions to the usual problems. After all, the incentives that appeal to employees today may no longer appeal to them tomorrow.

That's why it's also important to do NPS ( Net Promotor Score) in order to know what employees want most, and what else can keep them motivated during work.

The lack of knowledge of what can motivate employees or not is something common to be found in companies. And, as incredible as it may seem, it can become an ally to implement motivation in the workplace.

Motivation at work - Why is it important?

The implementation of motivation in companies can increase employee permanence and productivity. However, the lack of it causes disinterest and employees become just task fulfillers without any goal of growing professionally.

And to emphasize this importance, we raise here the three points that must be taken into account with regard to motivation at work.

Motivation should be practiced all the tim

Motivation should not be practiced only in meetings or moments of relaxation in the company, but all the time.

After all, motivation means having a reason to do something, therefore, if an employee intends to become an increasingly better professional, achieve the long-awaited promotion and be recognized for it, he must maintain this focus throughout his work schedule.

Make sure leaders know their team members

Managers need to understand the individual profiles of their team members in order to properly motivate them. Although measuring an employee's technical competence is important, attention must also be paid to behavioral competence, as the reason that motivates one person in the workplace may be completely different from another.

Thus, it is the role of a leader to know his team well and awaken in each member the reasons that lead him to the company and use them to motivate work even more. If a company's managers do not have this perception, it is essential that HR members remember this importance.

After all, one of the main causes of demotivation in the corporate environment is precisely the fact that employees feel lost, not knowing where to go and what to expect from the company.

Therefore, approaching a leader can even identify talents and skills that can optimize the performance of the organization as a whole. This gives employees a sense of belonging and appreciation for their best work.

Make motivation consistent

When it comes to motivation, it is essential that theory is aligned with practice or motivational actions will not bring the expected results.

For example: if managers are not motivated, asking them to motivate their subordinates is completely pointless and all employees will understand this

Therefore, when implementing motivational actions, discourse and practice must be consistent with the organizational culture and values.

By the way, in addition to motivation at work, strengthening the organizational culture is also very important for the growth of a company.

Now that you know what motivation is within the work environment, let's see some tips on how to put them into practice.

Tips - How to motivate at work

1. Know the profile of your employees well

Just knowing that employees need to be motivated is not enough, it is necessary, before taking any action, to be aware that motivation is capable of improving and making the corporate environment more pleasant, hence the need to implement it.

And to know which actions will be most effective, knowing the profile of employees is fundamental. Companies whose members are younger may enjoy parties and get-togethers that make them happier and more united.

Organizations whose employees are older may prefer benefits that improve quality of life, such as medical assistance, culture vouchers, cash prizes or travel.

Some activities practiced in the company's day-to-day life can also make employees feel motivated, such as lunch, snacks, physical activities such as exercise and dancing, and relaxing activities such as massage or acupuncture (of course, if the company has space and budget to receive professionals who provide these services).

2. Have good communication with employees

In addition to managers, it is essential to have good communication with all employees as well. After all, when passing information to the members of the organization, you can remind them of what the visions are, missions and values of the company that are the basis of the work of everyone to which it belongs.

In addition, being transparent in communication makes employees feel confident to give feedback, including on everything that would make them happier, which is the initial step in developing motivational actions.

3. Work with leaders

Motivation is not an exclusive job of management alone. As we said earlier, the participation of managers, supervisors and leaders is essential to engage employees and explore their full potential.

Thus, professionals who assume leadership positions can point out which actions work best to motivate their subordinates and execute what will effectively make them more excited and productive.

4. Have an environment that encourages motivation

Companies that do not have this openness for their employees to evolve will hardly be able to stimulate them, which could make them seek opportunities in other organizations where they can finally find greater professional satisfaction.

5. Have goals that are achievable

In increasingly competitive markets, companies start to have bigger goals and, to achieve them, it is necessary that their employees reach the goals. Although some are scared just hearing the word "goal", it doesn't have to be terrifying, on the contrary, it can be one of the biggest motivators of a company.

Once these goals are achievable and this is evident from the employees who manage to meet or even exceed them, teams can feel excited and willing to reach that level. On the other hand, unattainable goals can demotivate and take away the credibility of those who define them by demanding from the company's members a performance far beyond the available resources.

Therefore, if you, as a member of the company's management or who are part of the HR sector, realize that this is happening in any team, talk to their leader so that, together, they align a way to make the goal real and recover the spirit of the team. team.

6. Use feedback to motivate

Even the best employees will have bad times within the company in terms of performance. There are several reasons that can cause this, such as difficulty adapting to changes, personal problems, etc.

At times like these, it is necessary to give feedback. However, care must be taken so that the employee does not become discouraged when receiving the evaluation that indicates that he/she is below expectations. So that this does not happen, the manager must start the conversation by showing the positive points first, and then show the negative ones.

After all, once a leader shows concern for the professional development of an employee, he will leave the feedback conversation with a greater willingness to work and confident that he will be able to bring the results requested by the company. Therefore, feedback is a great way to increase motivation in the workplace.

So, start putting this into practice, and remember, working on motivation is necessary.


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