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Some businesswomen love being described as a "mompreneur" – enjoying the fact that they combine running a business with looking after their children. Others hate it, and complain that it is patronizing and unprofessional.The word has come from the rising number of self-employed women, coming at nearly three times the rate of men. In Britain, an estimated 300,000 women are mompreneurs, according to Mumpreneurs UK (note: ‘mom’ in British English is ‘mum’)

Being an entrepreneur is, on its own, no easy task, and if we think about it, being a mom is already a full-time job. Balancing the two, therefore, requires a lot of discipline and the right motivations. Many mothers put their careers on hold or give up their personal dreams to dedicate themselves to raising their children. Others are helped by hiring babysitters or taking their babies to nurseries or day care centers. However, many mothers feel the need to stay productive and look for alternatives to create an additional income. After all, being a mom does not exclude being an entrepreneur. The so-called mompreneurs are becoming an increasing wave worldwide and have grown successful and innovative businesses without neglecting the family.

There are some determinants for entrepreneurial activity and, usually, factors such as fear of failure, need or opportunity, previous experience in the area, among others, are the most common determinants but little is specifically said about women entrepreneurs and, especially, mompreneurs.

So here are 3 determinants to being a successful entrepreneur and a mom:

1. Family dynamics

Home is where the mom will spend most of her time, so if they have a stressful husband-and-children-dynamics and do not receive support, it will be very hard to undertake. But when they do have the support in housework, financial and emotional, family becomes their source of inspiration.

Sometimes that support can even come from the outside, with their own mother, mother-in-law, siblings, etc. The important thing is to have roles and activities that each one carries out, in agreement, for the benefit of the family dynamics

2. Cultural context

Family dynamics can vary from country to country due to culture, which will most likely be transferred into the daily activities. Traditions and customs are followed and women end up taking up all of the housework, or even not well seen at all to have a job. But you can use this to your advantage and exploit market opportunities. Of course it also depends, a lot, on who you’re married to, but with love and open communication it is possible to undertake in different cultures and have a thriving business.

3. Support organizations

Around the world, there are organizations focused on supporting women, whether for projects or financing, women entrepreneurs have more support than ever, even from governments, with programs to encourage them to pursue the activity they always dreamed of. There are even business incubators for women to participate and obtain the programs and financing they offer, as well as free seminars and trainings for women who want to undertake.

For many women, entrepreneurship is their only option, once having a child has already cost them their job or is making it difficult to find one. Entrepreneurial moms are mostly between the ages of 23 and 40 and their businesses tend to be rather traditional (such as coaching, therapies, gourmet activities, marketing and multilevel networks, agencies , etc) due to their inherent flexibility, that allows them to have greater control over their businesses and family, and even operate from home. Here are some keys to succeed as a mother and as an entrepreneur:

  • Lead your business by objectives

Whatever your schedule is, dealing with this fusion kind of gives you superpowers, like multitasking, improvisation and quick problem solving. Making a better use of your time is a strategic key because you will only dedicate to what’s important and adds value to your company, and also, what doesn’t keep you away from your family. So to master this productivity you need to orient your business by objectives and not the hours you spend in it. You know what you need to accomplish so it doesn’t matter where and how you make it happen, as long as you deliver it in full when the time is right. This way you will be working for results, helping yourself with technology, delegating and coordinating when necessary and being able to step aside when you want.

  • Identify opportunities where others do not see it

Another superpower that new mothers have is the ability to see potential where nobody else sees it. After all, you’re taking care of a baby that cannot walk, talk or even feed itself, but you know that it will be a functional human in the time to come, and that also becomes your inspiration. The lack of baby appropriate schools, clothing, babysitters and much more, now becomes a business opportunity because that mother knows what’s best for her baby and is willing to make it happen on her own to make it available for her offspring. Many franchises, apps and businesses out there have started this way and have now crossed borders to conquer other cultures.

There are some other tips for mompreneurs, like search and create support networks, be constantly trained and always looking for the balance between family and business are just a few, being the latter the kryptonite to many mothers. Once the business is taking off the tendency is to dedicate more time to it and less to your family, although if you lose track of why you started, you will also lose the joy of when you began, guilt may also start to creep in and the house will resent it. As if you do the opposite, the business may drop sales and lack structure. So focus on that balance. According to Heike Söns, a communication specialist by profession and a mom, “Being a mom and an entrepreneur is working without a fixed schedule and you must learn to recognize your mistakes, grow and forgive yourself and start over if necessary.”

Adapted from


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