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Italian citizenship

One of Brazilians’ biggest dreams is to have an European (or American) passport and for that reason it is very common for people to look for classes to learn Italian, for instance, to obtain the citizenship. This is actually, one of the pre-requisites to get the Italian citizenship, because during the process one does have to live in the country for, at least, 3 months.

In this article we bring you some of the advantages and disadvantages of the different ways you can get the citizenship and also a step-by-step of how to reach that goal!

Is it better to get the citizenship in Italy or Brazil?

The most straightforward answer is: It depends on your financial resources and time available. In case you want the process to be over as soon as possible, and you don’t have to worry about the weight on your pocket, the best option is to get the Italian citizenship directly in Italy. On the other hand, if you are not in a hurry and you do want to save on your investment, starting the process at the Italian consulate in Brazil might be your best option. Anyway you start it the documents needed are the same so the to prepare for the process itself does not depend on the country you’re going to start in. Let us now weight the pros and cons:

Advantages of starting the citizenship process in Italy Here are the 3 main advantages:

1. It is way faster The time demanded to evaluate the process is way less than in Brazil. According to the Italian Consulate while the Brazilian law requires at least 730 days, the Italian law requires 180 days to evaluate the process. Meaning that if there aren’t any issues with your documents, get your Italian citizenship in Italy, takes around 6 months.

2. Contact with the local culture In case you are planning to live in Italy after getting your citizenship, you will have extra time to get used to the language, the habits and possibly get some wok contacts and make new friends during the process evaluation time.

3. Less stages to the process Unlike what happens in Brazil, it is not necessary to schedule an interview to approve your citizenship. To get it directly in Italy is a much more direct process and after the documents evaluation you will get a letter at home informing you of the citizenship approval.

Disadvantages of getting your Italian citizenship in Italy Now that you know the pros and that the process is faster, let’s see the cons of getting your citizenship in the country:

1. You need to have a fixed address in Italy It is necessary to have an address in the Comune (city) chosen to start the process. Your name must be in a document, with the signature of the real estate proprietor and a fiscal management of the city will pay 3 surprise visits to your house until the approval of your Italian citizenship

2. Cost of living during the process If you chose to take the process in Italy you must live in the chosen city and, depending on the region the cost of living in Italy doesn’t have to be extremely expensive but remember you will be paying everything in Euros, not Reais! And you can only start working after you get your Permesso di Saggiorno, so you better have a good indoors hobby to keep yourself entertained.

3. It can have a little more paperwork The process of getting the citizenship in Italy is not unified, meaning you the administration of the Comune you have chosen will be responsible for the process and it is important to be on top of things to prevent misunderstandings and the famous Italian burocracy.

4. It is important to speak the language If you have traveled to Italy before you know that not many people speak English, even some sections of the immigration government only speak Italian. For that reason, it is mandatory that you know the language enough to get around or have someone who is fluent with you to help you navigate the system.

Alone or with consultancy? Most lawyers who are specialized in Italian citizenship promise that the process can flow well in Italy even without mediators. The lawyer is only responsible for gathering the documents needed and guide you through the process whether it’s happening in Brazil or in Italy.

Once the documents must be gathered in Brazilian and Italian registers offices, apart from certified translations and endorsements required by the Brazil-Italy agreement, it is comfortable and simpler to hire the services of a consultancy and assistance.

Beware of frauds

With the crescent search for the Italian citizenship by Brazilians, the authorities, have registered an increase in frauds related to the process. Lawyers charging absurd quantities for unnecessary assistance and citizenship packages are some of the most common, so it’s very important to be aware and well informed of how the process really works, do a thorough research online and also talk to people who have gone through the process before to get some advice. Do note that Brazilian lawyers are normally better informed than the Italian ones.

Here is a step-by-step of how to start your Italian citizenship in Italy: The process should start right here in Brazil by preparing all the documents needed, which must be original with certified translations and endorsement. From then on you have 3 months to start the process and once you’re in Italy here’s what to do:

· Get a Codice Fiscale search for the Ufficio Anagrafe of the local Town hall, to present the Iscrizione Anagrafe request: this document registers your address at the Town hall, confirming you are part of the local population:

· By filling the Iscrizione Anagrafe, a vigile da comune (fiscal management) will pay you 3 surprise visits at your address to make sure you live there and the house is habitable. After that you will receive a letter confirming your address.

· Right after you start your residence visa request you must endorse your citizenship request at the Comune, presenting all the documents gathered. You must fill a form and pay a mail tax around 16 euros;

· From this point on, your part of the process is over! The Comune will then communicate with the Italian and Brazilian consulates requesting the non rinuncia of your ancestors to guarantee that none of them have denied the Italian citizenship;

· You will then receive, at your address confirmed by the Comune, a letter confirming the approval of your documents and… congratulations, you are an Italian citizen now, and you have the right to claim your much wanted Italian passport!


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