You might be familiar with the video of the gold-digger lady who dumps her boyfriend for the Ferrari driving guy, or the blindfolded guy who’s about to be surprised by his girlfriend but she actually knows he has been cheating on her, or even the extremely wealthy sugar babies or feet models… The list goes on and on. It’s content for every type and taste. It’s Muder, Mistery and Make up, Dr. Pimple (Yes, popping zits is a trend) or even watching a pedicure for ingrown nails. Whatever your fetish is, you’ll find it online. And the worst thing is that, so will our kids, our nephews or littles cousins. And if you have ever been confused whether a video is real or fake, so will they. And the fact is that, most of this content we’ve been fed is actually not real, it is staged content created to generate views and likes and shares. The world of content creation is growing at an alarming rate, to the point that normal people are paid to send their videos or create content which will never be fact-checked!
On Tik-tok you can actually have access to live accidents and even robberies and demises. Inclusion has turned into vlogs of people showing their disabilities but these will never be able to show the real struggle that the bearer goes through; remember, a lens will never show the true colors of the sky. These videos create mixed feelings and to pay for content of people exposing themselves has become out of control.
We need to stop rewarding narcissism because more and more people are falling into the believe that being an influencer is the most fulfilling (and easy-money-making) profession, and having more likes than the next person is more important than anything you could do at your job. And if we think about it, the world outside the internet may as well be falling apart, that nobody will notice. However, we still need plumbers and construction workers, and garbagemen and truck-drivers. The last truck-driver strike that happened in Brazil, shortly before Covid, was proof of how our society depends on these workers - and then with the pandemic, medical staff and cleaners and cashiers as well - much more than we will ever need influencers or content creators for our society not to crumble.
We could even mention celebrities who actually distort reality and propagate an image of perfection to the extreme. Music and reality shows celebrities spread and idea that you are far away from being perfect, because you are not picture-perfect. But guess what? Neither are they! Photoshoped pictures show a completely different image from reality and even the make up and fashion industry are in for profit here.
Yes, because bottom-line is nobody cares if you feel beautiful or comfortable or meet any standards whatsoever, all these industries care about is money! And their biggest weapon is to make you feel bad, sad and less than perfect to make you buy, at any cost. Reviewers and influencers are not really sharing their opinion but whatever brand pays more. And we should stop viewing and just keep scrolling.
Try to pay attention to the amount of time you spend online, to the content you are feeding your mind, because what we feed our minds is what we will talk about, and eventually who we will become. What we read and the knowledge we acquire can either set us free or make us slaves of trends and “perfect lives”.
This article is not about hate or being against people who live of the internet but rather reminding you how you matter, how we should open our eyes to the fact that not everything we watch online is real, and that you are perfect just the way you are and your job, whatever that is, is important to our society!