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Does a pet friendly work environment bring benefits?

Yes, and here you will understand why it is worth working in a pet friendly environment. Workspaces don't have to be like they used to be anymore.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to spend one day at work with your dog or cat? Yes, this is possible in the pet friendly environment, a trend adopted by many companies.

A workspace with harmony, and less stress, in order to increase the productivity of the team. It is the ideal setting for many entrepreneurs. Those who are more attentive are always looking for positive experiences. And one that has stirred up the corporate world is the pet friendly environment.

Taking the pet to the office is an initiative approved by some organizations.

The reason is that interacting with pets makes the atmosphere lighter, and work flows better. On the other hand, it is necessary to follow some rules for the coexistence with pets to work.

What is the reason for a pet friendly environment to be successful?

One of the biggest enthusiasts of the practice is Randolph T. Barker. He has been developing a study at Virginia Commonwealth University on the subject for years.

In his research, offices with and without pets were compared. In spaces where the pets were not present, the tense atmosphere remained.

In companies that let dogs and cats be part of the routine, stress decreased, the team produced more and professional satisfaction increased. As the games we play with animals stimulate the production of endorphins, it improves the feeling of well-being.

It is also possible to mention Mário Marcondes (Director of the Sena Madureira Veterinary Hospital), in an interview with Veja, reinforces the thesis, and recalls that the technique already happens in nursing homes and children's hospitals.

The elderly and children show a positive change in mood and clinical condition when they are in contact with pets. Efficiency has drawn so much attention that Google Brazil, , allows employees to take their dogs to visit the office. In Brazil, it is also possible to find pet friendly coworking.

Spaces for networking with people and 4-legged friends.

However, all who test the initiative of the most playful space with pets, are unanimous in some points:

  • It only works with small animals;

  • It is necessary to prepare the space, placing everything from hygienic mats to signs warning that the environment is pet friendly;

  • The space needs to be airy;

  • A day for kittens or a day for dogs;

  • The pet must be up to date with vaccines and vermifuges (fundamental to share the environment with other pets);

  • Owners cannot let pets roam around the office.

  • Oh! And approval is required from all employees, including those who do not have pets.

Here are some more pet friendly benefits

A pet friendly coworking space, for example, is very convenient on those days when your pet will be alone at home.

Right away it already shows an interesting advantage: not having your performance hindered by the concern of the dog or cat.

The focus on work is not compromised with thoughts such as "Did it eat the food?", "Did it drink water?".

For people who have relationship problems, the pet helps to reduce shyness. It's a great way to connect new members, and promote conversations more fluidly.

Those professionals who don't stop for anything tend to take the saving breaks when they are next to pets. Which is positive for everyone.

A direct benefit to the company is that it makes it more attractive. Many talents who have an affinity for the animal cause tend to prefer organizations that are sensitive to the topic.

If you liked the idea, here are some tips to train your pet:

· Take him to places with a lot of people, that way you will get to know his temperament around people;

· Gradually prepare the pet to behave while you perform tasks (watch series, read books, etc.);

· Always have his favorite toy with him to distract him;

· Try to condition him to relieve himself at different times than you plan to spend with him at the office.

This will make it easier to take advantage of the relationship with pets in the office.


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