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Digital nomad

What is a digital nomad and how to become one:

Being a digital nomad has become a dream for many professionals, mainly due to the pandemic, but what is a digital nomad? A digital nomad is someone who provides service remotely, without the need to be in person in an office or company. Thus, professionals can work anywhere in the world using technology. Therefore, the essential tools for a digital nomad are a notebook, cell phone or tablet and a good network connection. In this sense, digital nomadism as a lifestyle that has two characteristics: the possibility of earning income by working on the internet and the opportunity to live anywhere.

After all, what do digital nomads do?

When we think about which professions are compatible with digital nomadism, the field is vast, that is, there is no specific profession to act as a nomad.

So, if you have a laptop or smartphone with a stable internet, the individual can work from anywhere: architects, lawyers, content producers, web designers, programmers and even salespeople can be digital nomads. Since, through technology, tools like Zoom, Meet and Skype allow video calls and meetings. Also, instant messaging applications, such as WhatsApp, help the digital nomad to meet customers and meet deadlines, even though they are on the other side of the world.

What are the benefits of being a digital nomad?

Working from anywhere offers benefits. The free and non-standard lifestyle of a traditional office usually seduces those who venture into digital nomads.

- Meet people and places

The experience expands the world view, as it offers the possibility to travel, meet new cultures and people. In this way, knowledge expands and so does the network of contacts.

- Work away from the office

Geographic freedom is a huge draw for digital nomads. Choosing the city and country where you want to live is a privilege to enjoy seasons outside the formal work environment. No formalities or fixed address, no routine from 8 am to 6 pm.

- Schedule flexibility

Organize schedules and appointments as you wish. This is the lifestyle of a digital nomad. These people are able to organize the agenda in the way that suits them and the shift occurs according to the production need.

- Career management

Being a career self-manager is a tempting perk, isn't it? So, this is the life of the digital nomad. Those who work in this way set the rules, goals and deadlines, like their own boss.

- Increase in earnings

Working with freedom, quality and without labor pressures makes it easier to be productive. Yet, when producing more, the tendency is to earn more. In addition, as digital nomads seek to work in cities with low cost of living, they have money left over to do what they love most: travel.

Are there downsides to being a digital nomad?

If there are benefits, there are also challenges. Before going down the path of nomadism, learn about the disadvantages of working outside the office.

- Work is intense

The digital nomad doesn't have a holiday and, when he gets sick, he doesn't have a paid day. Productivity needs to be up and there is no time for procrastination. In this situation, having notions of emotional intelligence and career management make a difference.

- Unstable financial life

Without working there are no gains and the monthly income usually varies. In this case, it is difficult to maintain yourself, especially in a distant city or country.

- Difficulty maintaining ties

The lives of those who work while traveling can be affected by distance. So being away from family and friends can be a problem. Likewise, it is difficult to maintain bonds as nomads are always coming and going. Sometimes, when they make friends, they are soon left behind.

- Tendency to procrastination

The lack of routine, cited as an advantage in this type of work, can also be an obstacle. If the professional does not have organization, planning and motivation, he ends up failing to do what needs to be done. The distractions of a different city can also hurt productivity. Therefore, it takes discipline to meet deadlines and goals. Time management is key.

Where to start?

Advantages, disadvantages, adventure, experiences and nostalgia. Those who decide to leave the stability of the formal contract experience these and other feelings. However, if the plan is to be a digital nomad, check out tips to get started.

- Study on the subject

Seeking information about traveling and working from anywhere is the first step. To do so, study everything that is possible on the subject, look for reliable sources and be inspired by people who have succeeded in this endeavor. Also, ask questions, make contact, learn about stories and research the topic. That way, you'll be prepared to take advantage of the experience and deal with unforeseen circumstances.

- Find your purpose

Self-knowledge is a great tool to understand what your purpose is as a digital nomad. So think about the reasons why you want to join this trend. Balance the benefits of working off-site and the things you will leave behind. It's important to assess your motives to find out if digital nomadism makes sense for you.

- Try it little by little

The will is to win the world, for sure. But a good way to start is to do small experiments. To do so, use the criteria suggested here — quality internet, low cost of living, safety, attractions to visit — and choose your next temporary address.


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