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Controlling your mind and thoughts

Is it possible to control your mind?

Yes, it is possible! And in fact, there are some techniques that enable and facilitate this control.

How our thoughts work

Nowadays, most people who still do not have knowledge about the mind, end up allowing their feelings to be influenced by thoughts that are not always the ones they would like to have. It´s not always that we have positive, happy thoughts. However, we often have negative and sad thoughts. And how can we change these negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts? As soon as these thoughts arrive in our minds, we feel, almost immediately, that this thought has brought a command and most of the time we allow the feelings to take over us. However, we do have the ability to control the mind and to control what the mind drives and provides within our mental process. Knowing how to control these feelings and thoughts will help you to have a little more control of your mind, based on some information that will be mentioned here. Neuro-Linguistic Programming brought the information that thought is uncontrollable as a mental thought. That's because it is driven by lines of thought, that is, you can be watching a video, a television and be thinking negative things about it. Or, I can remember something that happened in my past and have some kind of thought that might be negative and not exactly how I would like it to be.

So, in this sense, we can see that thoughts come into our mind and we don't have a specific control regarding their arrival.

Now, after they arrive, we have the possibility to change them.

Negative thoughts and their influence on our days

The human being is trained to wear out his mind, to accumulate mental garbage, that is, we think negative things daily and keep these negative thoughts in our minds. But we don't produce cleaning, mental hygiene. So, we keep accumulating this garbage formed by negative thoughts in our minds. And the most interesting thing is that we usually leverage it. The vast majority of people do even more: they come home and say “so and so, today my day was…” and tell everything about what happened negatively. What they actually do is negatively memorize the facts that happened in their day. And usually, they don't want to tell you the good thing that happened. They don't say “Wow, today was a good day, it was positive in this and that”. No, they mostly want to tell the negative things that happened. This is most likely because throughout their lives people learn that others pay much more attention to the negative things they say than to the positive ones.

But, how to control your mind?

In fact, there are techniques and practices that train us, that train our mind so that we can change our thoughts and, consequently, our feelings, behaviors and results. See some examples below.

Change your language

One of the ways to improve this is to change thoughts through words. Replace negative words with more positive expressions. By doing so, you bring the language that makes up the negative into a new mental understanding. For example, instead of saying the word hard, change it to not easy. That's because when you say 'not easy', the mind can't measure quantity, while the mind understands the object of the sentence which is easy.

If instead you change the way you speak, you have already initiated a language inversion within your mental process. If you say not easy, it becomes easy and when you communicate with your unconscious, the feeling is of ease. So then it's easy and you´re perfectly capable of doing that. So just by changing my thoughts, you change your feelings, your behavior, and your results.

Emotional control

The second way to control your mind is through emotional control.

We have four emotions: anger, sadness, fear and joy. Anger, for example, which is a very powerful energy, can be an ally to conquer what you want. People sometimes say they don't want to be angry and then they become fragile. That's because anger is an energy that when we don't use it in our favor, in reality we are canceling within us the warrior, the tiger, the persistent, the perseverant, because anger has this function. The function of anger is to propel actions, for example, to have courage. So, many people don't use anger because they understand it as something aggressive and, in fact, when we talk about anger in the positive, we're talking about the ability to do what has to be done. As well as, many times for not feeling angry, people stop persisting, persevering.

Another feeling is fear. Fear is a protector for us. People who have no respect for fear can die from its absence. However, obviously, fear in excess cancels, locks, bars. So fear control is also important. As well as, of course, the joy and sadness too. That is, controlling emotions is realizing where and when I can use them in my favor, it is balancing them. And so it was realized that controlling emotions is also very important to control the mind and, thus, start cleaning this mental garbage that accumulates daily. As we can see from these little tips, you control what's inside you. Because, from the control of your emotions you have control of your mind. And from those controls, you have control of your life, your world. And this is possible!


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