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Action verbs for your resume

What are action verbs and how can you use them on your resume? Action verbs convey doing - for example, “She walked to the door,” or, “The dog chased the ball.” On your resume, action verbs show readers you accomplished something at your past jobs, you weren’t just “responsible for” it. Instead you “streamlined” or “coordinated” or “executed” it. You got the job done and you achieved something in the process. But be careful: Not all action verbs are as strong as others. For example, words like “led” or “handled” may have their place on a resume (sparingly), but don’t give the reader any details about how you did it. Did you lead by assigning work to a team; by creating a road map for a project; by organizing resources, people, and deadlines; or by doing some combination of the three? No matter what duty or accomplishment you’re trying to show off, we’ve got just the resume action verb for you. Check out the list below, and get ready to make your resume way more exciting. Action verbs for when you led a project If you were in charge of a project or initiative from start to finish, skip “led” and instead try:

Administered Arranged Chaired Coordinated Directed Executed Delegated Headed Managed Operated Orchestrated Organized Oversaw Planned Produced Programmed Spearheaded

Actions for when you envisioned and brought a project to life And if you actually developed, created, or introduced that project into your company? Try:

Built Charted Created Designed Developed Devised Founded Engineered Established Formalized Formed Formulated Implemented Incorporated Initiated Instituted Introduced Launched Pioneered Proposed

Action verbs for when you increased efficiency, productivity, profit, sales, revenue, or customer satisfaction (or reduced costs or time spent) If you can show that your work boosted the company’s numbers in some way, you’re bound to impress. In these cases, consider:

Accelerated Achieved Advanced Amplified Boosted Capitalized Conserved Consolidated Decreased Deducted Delivered Enhanced Expanded Expedited Furthered Gained Generated Improved Increased Lifted Maximized Outpaced Reconciled Reduced Saved Stimulated Sustained Yielded

Action verbs for when you changed or improved something Did you bring your department’s invoicing system out of the Stone Age and into the 21st century? Talk about the amazing changes you made at your office with these words

Centralized Clarified Converted Customized Digitized Integrated Merged Modernized Modified Overhauled Redesigned Refined Refocused Rehabilitated Remodeled Reorganized Replaced Restructured Revamped Revitalized Simplified Standardized Streamlined Strengthened Transformed Updated Upgraded

Action verbs for when you managed a team While “managed” may have a place on your resume (especially if it’s a keyword), phrases like “Managed a team…” or “Managed employees…” are just reciting your job duties. Instead, you can show what an inspirational leader you were with terms like:

Aligned Cultivated Directed Enabled Facilitated Fostered Guided Hired Mentored Mobilized Motivated Recruited Shaped Supervised Taught Trained Unified United

Action verbs for when you brought in partners, funding, resources, or clients Were you “responsible for” a great new partner, sponsor, source of funding, or client? Try

Acquired Closed Forged Navigated Negotiated Partnered Pitched Secured Signed Sourced Upsold

Action verbs for when you supported customers Because monitoring the phones, answering questions, or providing customer service really means you’re advising customers and meeting their needs, use:

Advised Advocated Coached Consulted Educated Fielded Informed Recommended Resolved

Action verbs for when you did research or analysis Did your job include research, analysis, or fact-finding? Mix up your verbiage with these word

Analyzed Assembled Assessed Audited Calculated Compiled Discovered Evaluated Examined Explored Forecasted Identified Interpreted Interviewed Investigated Mapped Measured Modeled Projected Qualified Quantified Reported Surveyed Tested Tracked Visualized

Action verbs for when you communicated Was writing, speaking, lobbying, or otherwise communicating part of your gig? You can explain just how compelling you were with words like:

Authored Briefed Campaigned Coauthored Composed Conveyed Convinced Corresponded Counseled Critiqued Defined Documented Drafted Edited Illustrated Lobbied Outlined Persuaded Presented Promoted Publicized Reviewed Wrote

Action verbs for when you oversaw or regulated Whether you enforced protocol or managed your department’s requests, describe what you really did, better, with these words:

Adjudicated Authorized Blocked Dispatched Enforced Ensured Inspected Itemized Monitored Screened Scrutinized Verified

Action verbs for when you achieved something Did you hit your goals? Win a coveted department award? Don’t forget to include that on your resume, with words like:

Attained Completed Demonstrated Finished Earned Exceeded Outperformed Overcame Reached Showcased Succeeded Surpassed Targeted Won

And remember, if your resume is showing this level of writing skills, your speaking skills shouldn’t fall behind. If you need any help with your speaking, or the other abilities, preparing for a job interview whether in the English language, or any other, remember Brisk Languages exists for you! Your result is our result!



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